Update From DHQ : Troops Neutralize 73 Terrorists, Arrests 182.

By Helen Udoh,Outlook Media ABUJA.

The Defence  Headquarters (DHQ) says that, it’s troops  neutralized  73 terrorists, arrested 182, 14 perpetrators of oil theft and rescued 68 kidnapped Hostages in one week.

The Director,  Defence Media Operations, Defence Headquarters, Maj-Gen. Edward Buba made this known to newsmen on thursday in Abuja.

According to him, Troops of Operation HADIN KAI conducted fighting patrols and neutralized terrorists in Gamboru Ngala LGA of Borno State. Troops conducted patrols and rescued kidnapped hostages in Damboa and Bama LGAs of Borno State. Troops also raided BH/ISWAP terrorist’s hideouts in Damboa LGA of the same state.

2. Troop’s on patrol cleared BH/ISWAP ambush, neutralized terrorists and recovered arms and ammunitions.

3. Details as follows:

a. Fighting Patrol.    On 16 October 2023, troops conducted fighting patrol to suspected BH/ISWAP terrorist enclaves in Gamboru Ngala LGA of Borno State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 7 terrorists and recovered six AK47 rifles, 70 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and 2 bicycles.
b. Troops Rescued Kidnapped Hostages
(1) On 18 October 2023, troops while conducting fighting patrol arrested one suspected criminal in Damboa LGA of Borno State. On the same day, troops rescued 7 kidnapped hostages.
(2) On 19 October 2023, following the sight of BH/ISWAP terrorists in Bama LGA of Borno State. Troops deployed and engaged the terrorists. Six terrorist were  neutralized while  8 kidnapped hostages were rescued. 
c. Raid Operation On 18 October 2023, troops conducted a raid operation to suspected BH/ISWAP terrorists’ camp in Damboa LGA of Borno State. Troops made no contact with terrorists, rather they  recovered one GPMG, 92 rounds of 7.62mm NATO ammo on metal links, 7 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo, one wooden butt of AK47 rifle, 3 BH/ISWAP terr uniforms, one blanket, one prayer mat and one synthetic mat.
d. BH/ISWAP Terrorists Ambush on Troops.   On 20 October 2023, troops on patrol were ambushed by BH/ISWAP terrorists in Mobbar LGA of Borno State. Following a firefight, troops clear the ambush and neutralized 10 terrorists and recovered 2 PKT guns, 10 AK47 rifles, 3 AK47 rifle magazines, 52 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo, 187 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, one magazine carrier jacket, one mobile phone, 3 Nigeria national ID cards, 2 Niger Republic national ID cards and one vehicle.
e.      BH/ISWAP Terrorists Attacks on Troops.
(1) On 19 October 2023, troops came under attack of BH/ISWAP terrorists and successfully repelled the attack in Kukawa LGA of Borno State. Following the firefight, troops neutralized 5 terrorists while others fled. Troops exploited the general area and recovered 5 AK47 rifles, 2 AK47 rifle magazines, 45 rounds 7.62mm Special ammo, 2 military headgears and one prepared IED.
(2) On 22 October 2023, troops responded to information on activities of BH/ISWAP terrorists in Tarmuwa LGA of Yobe State. Following a firefight, troops neutralized 2 terrorists and recovered 2 Ak47 rifles, 15 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, one motorcycle, one mobile phone and the sum of One Million, Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred Naira (₦1,720,800.00) only amongst other items.
(3)   On 22 October 2023, troops in conjunction with Hybrid Forces conducted fighting patrol in Biu LGA of Borno State. During the patrol, troops arrested one suspected kidnapper. Troops recovered one PKT gun without barrel and 49 rounds of 7.62mm NATO ammo link.
f.     Troops Ambush on BH/ISWAP Terrorists.  Between 19 and 24 October 2023, in separates operations, troops conducted ambush operations on terrorists in Konduga, Bama, Gamboru and Gwoza LGAs of Borno State. During these operations, troops neutralized 10 terrorists and recovered 5 AK47 rifles, 3 locally made rifles, 3 magazines, 75 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 5 motorcycle, 2 bicycles and 3 mobile phones.   
g. Meeting Engagements.   On 23 and 24 October 2023, troops while on fighting patrols made contact with terrorists in Mobbar and Askira Uba LGAs of Borno State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 3 terrorists while others fled.  Troops recovered 3 AK47 rifles, 3 magazines and 15 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo.
h. Arrest of Suspected BH/ISWAP Terrorist Collaborator.  On 23                    October 2023, troops while conducting stop and search operation, intercepted a BH/ISWAP terrorist’s collaborator in Monguno LGA of Borno State. Troops recovered the sum of One Million Five Hundred and Forty Four Thousand Naira (₦1,544,000.00) only concealed inside an empty 4 litres of jerry can.
i. Surrender of BH/ISWAP Terrorist Fighter. On 24 October 2023, one BH/ISWAP fighter identified as Modu Bako surrendered to troops in Gubio LGA of Borno State. Following preliminary investigation, the surrendered combatant claimed to be a member of ISWAP group from Delar terrorist camp in Kukawa LGA of Borno State. Troops recovered one hand grenade, one mobile phone, one knife and one torch light.


4. Overall, troops of Operation HADIN KAI recovered; 35 AK47 rifles, one GPMG, 3 PKT guns, 3 locally fabricated rifles, one hand grenade, one AK47 rifle wooden butt, 12 magazines, 349 rounds of 7.62mm special, 187 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 141 rounds of 7.62mm NATO on metal link, 7 motorcycles, 7 mobile phone, 4 bicycles and the sum of N3,264,800.00 only among others. Troops also neutralized 39 terrorists, arrested 22 and rescued 18 kidnapped hostages.


5. Troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN arrested suspected criminals and kidnappers in Riyom, Mangu, Bokkos and Jos North LGAs of Plateau States. Troop conducted fighting patrols and rescued kidnapped hostages in Mangu and Jema’a LGAs of Plateau and Kaduna States respectively as well as Ningi LGA of Bauchi State. Troops also raided a combatant hideout and recovered arms and ammunitions in Zango Kataf LGA of Kaduna State.

6. Details are as follows: 

a. Arrests of Suspected Criminal. 
(1) Between 16 and 17 October 2023, following a tipoff, troops arrested 3 suspects in Riyom and Mangu LGAs of Plateau State. Preliminary investigation revealed  one of the suspects to be as a gunrunner.
(2) On 18 October 2023, troops in separate operations arrested 18 suspected kidnappers in Bokkos and Jos North LGAs of Plateau State.
b. Rescue of Kidnap Victim.
(1) On 17 October 2023, troops in a separate operation conducted fighting patrols in Mangu and Jema’a LGAs of Plateau and Kaduna respectively. During the operations, troops rescued 3 kidnapped hostages and recovered one vehicle.
(2) On 20 October 2023, troops responded to information of kidnapping activities in Ningi LGA of Bauchi State. Troops  ambushed the terrorists; neutralized one and recovered one AK47 rifle loaded with 14 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo.
c. Raid Operation.   On 19 October 2023, troops raided suspected combatant hideout in Zangon Kataf LGA of Kaduna State and  arrested 2 suspects. Troops recovered 2 fabricated rifles, 10 rounds of 7.62mm Special and 8 rounds of 7.62mm NATO.
d. Troops Raided Suspected Drug Peddlers Hideouts. On 21 and 22 October 2023, troops raided a suspected drug peddler’s hideouts in Jos South LGA of Plateau State. During the operations, troops arrested 29 suspects and recovered substances suspected to be cannabis and other illicit drugs.
e.    Arrest of Suspected Kidnappers.  On 18 October 2023, in a separate operations, troops arrested 18 suspected kidnappers in Bokkos and Jos North LGAs of Plateau State. Troops searched their hideouts and recovered  5 AK47 rifles, 35 rounds of 7.62mm NATO and 2 vehicles.


7. Overall, troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN recovered 6 AK47 rifle loaded with 14 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 3 fabricated rifles, 18 rounds of 7.62mm special and 43 rounds of 7.62mm NATO amongst others. Troops also neutralized 2 terrorists and arrested 99, while rescuing  15 kidnapped hostages.


8. Troops of Operation WHIRL STROKE rescued keep snapped hostages in Logo LGA of Benue State and arrested terrorists collaborator in Apa LGA of Benue State. Troops also foiled armed herders attack on locals in Takum LGA of Taraba State.

9. Details are as follows:
a. Attack on Civilians.  On 17 October 2023, troops responded to information on sporadic gunshots in Logo LGA of Benue State. Troops engaged the terrorist neutralizing 8 of them and rescued 4 injured hostages, while recovering  a corpse.

b. Arrest of Suspected Terrorists Collaborator.  On 17 October 2023, troops while on patrol arrested 2  terrorists’ collaborators in Apa LGA of Benue State.  Investigation ongoing.
c. Troops foiled  Armed Herders Attack on Locals.   On 19 October 2023, troops responded to information of suspected armed herders attack on locals in Takum LGA of Taraba State. Troops exploited the general area and rescued 2 victims attacked on their farms. Efforts are ongoing to apprehend the perpetrators.


10. Overall, troops of Operation WHIRL STROKE neutralized 10 terrorists, arrested 10 terrorists and rescued 7 kidnapped hostages.


11. The troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI arrested suspected ammunition courier in Birnin Magaji LGA of Zamfara State and arrested suspected terrorists in Danmusa LGA of Katsina State.

12. Details are as follows;

a. Arrests of Terrorists Ammo courier On 17 October 2023, troops while conducting stop and search arrested a suspected ammunition courier in Birnin Magaji LGA of Zamfara State. The courier was on mission  to deliver ammo to a terrorist leader identified as Gishiri, in Zurmi LGA of Zamfara State. Troops recovered a bag containing 224 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo, a pair of clothing, one mobile phone and the sum of Four Thousand Naira (₦4,000.00) only from the suspects.
b. Arrest of Suspected Terrorists. On 17 October 2023, following a tip off, troops raided terrorist hideout in Danmusa LGA of Katsina State. Troops made contact neutralising 10 terrorist and  arrested 2  of them.  Preliminary investigation revealed that one of those arrested actively  participated in the ambush on troops at Mara-Kaiga on 18 September 2023. Troops recovered 10 AK 47 Rifles and 253 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition.
c. Meeting Engagement. On 24 October 2023, troops on patrol made contact with bandit in Tangaza LGA of Sokoto State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized one bandit and recovered 3 AK47 rifles, one PKT gun, 125 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo, 2 RPG bombs and 9 motorcycles.


13. Overall, troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI neutralized 10 terrorists, arrested 11 terrorists and rescued 11 kidnapped hostages. Troop’s also recovered 13 AK47 rifles, one dane gun, one fabricated rifle, 2 RPGs, 253 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, a bag containing 375 rounds of 7.62mm special, one mobile phone, 9 motorcycles and the sum of N4,000.00


14. Troops of Operation WHIRL PUNCH ambushed terrorist  in Birnin Gwari LGA of Kaduna State, neutralising some and recovered arms and ammunitions. Troops also arrested terrorists collaborators in Zaria and Giwa LGAs of Kaduna State and rescued  kidnapped hostages in Rafi LGA of Niger State. Troops also conducted raid operation to suspected criminal hideouts in Abuja Municipal Council,  FCT.

15. Details as follows: 

a. Ambush Operation.   On 17 October 2023, troops in conjunction with hybrid forces made contact with terrorists in Birnin Gwari LGA of Kaduna State and neutralized 8 terrorist.  Troops recovered 8 AK 47 Rifles with 311 rounds of 7.62mm special belted ammo, six AK47 empty magazine, 2 motorcycles, one HH radio and 2 mobile phones.
b. Arrest of Suspected Terrorists’ Collaborator.    Between 16 and 17 October 2023, troops arrested 4 suspected terrorists collaborators in Zaria and Giwa LGAs of Kaduna State. Preliminary investigation revealed that one the suspects was a terrorist collaborator. Troops recovered 4 mobile phones, a bunch of keys and the sum of Seventeen Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Naira (N17,180.00) only.
c. Rescued of Kidnapped Hostages.  On 18 October 2023, troops responded to information on terrorists’ activities in Rafi LGA of Niger State and rescued 8 kidnapped hostages and recovered 3 vehicles. During the firefight, one passenger was killed in action.
d. Raid Operation. On 18 October 2023, following a tip off, troops raided a suspected criminal’s hideout in AMAC of FCT, Abuja and arrested 34 suspects, while destroying their makeshift accommodation.


16. Overall, troops of Operation WHIRL PUNCH recovered 8 AK 47 rifles, 311 rounds of 7.62mm special (belted) ammo, 6 empty magazines, 2 motorcycles, one HH radio, 6 mobile phones and the sum of N17,180.00 amongst others.

17. Troops neutralized 3 terrorists, arrested 38 suspected terrorists and rescued 12 kidnapped hostages.


18. Troops of Operation DELTA SAFE maintained momentum against the activities of crude oil theft. Troops destroyed several illegal refining sites and recovered stolen products. Troops conducted raid operation to criminal hideouts in Akpabuyo and Bakassi LGAs of Cross River and as well as Ogbia LGA of Bayelsa State.

19. Details as follows:

a. Troops Destroy Illegal Refining Sites. Troops discovered and destroyed 15 dugout pits, 45 boats, 87 storage tanks, 13 vehicles, 127 cooking ovens, one pumping machine, 4 outboard engine and 63 illegal refining sites. Troops recovered 962,500 litres of stolen crude oil, 35,420 litres of illegally refined AGO and 38,450 litres of DPK. Troops also apprehended 14 suspected oil thefts.
b. Raid Operations
(1) On 20 October 2023, troops raided a militant hideout in Akpabuyo LGA of Cross River State. During the operation, troops neutralized a notorious combatant identified as Mr Okon Bassey (aka Okonma). Troops  recovered a locally made pistol loaded with cartridges among other items.
(2) On 17 October 2023, troops raided a suspected hideout of a leader of Black Knight Cult group in Bakassi LGA of Cross River State. Troops made contact and neutralized combatants during exchange of fire.

(3) On 18 October 23, troops raided a suspected militant camp in Ogbia LGA of Bayelsa State. During the operation, troops arrested 8 suspected cult members and recovered one Beretta pistol, one locally made double barrel pistol, 5 rounds 9mm  ammo, 3 live cartridge, one BAOFENG radio, one binocular, 2 mobile phones, one rifle box and some substance suspected to be cannabis.


20. Overall, troops of Operation DELTA SAFE destroyed 8 dugout pits, 16 boats, 29 storage tanks, 37 cooking ovens, 26 illegal refining sites, one pumping machine, and 2 outboard engines. Troops recovered 962,500 litres of stolen crude oil, 23,045 litres of illegally refined AGO, 38,100 litres of DPK and 4,500 litres of PMS.

21. Troops also neutralized one criminal, apprehended 14 suspected oil thefts and recovered one locally made double barrel, one barreta pistol loaded with cartridges, one locally made pistol, 5 rounds of 9mm ammo, 3 live cartridges and 2 mobile amongst others.


22. Troops of operation UDO KA conducted raid operation to criminals hideouts in Ihiala and Aguata LGAs of Anambra State. Troops also conducted search and rescue operation in Oru West and East LGAs of Imo State. Troops arrested suspected terrorists informant and neutralized suspected criminal in Okigwe LGA of Imo State. Additionally, troops operations led to the arrest of terrorists and the recovery of arms in Obowo LGA of Imo State.

23. Details as follows:

a. Raid Operations
(1)       On 16 October 2023, in a separate operations, troops raided 3 terrorists and Comds’ hideouts in Ihiala and Aguata LGAs of Anambra State. Following the operations, troops arrested one suspect. Troops also recovered 48 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 4 mobile phones, one HH radio, substances suspected to be cannabis and assorted charms.  Troops destroyed the structures and set the camps ablaze.
(2)      Between 21 and 22 October 2023, troops in a separate operations raided suspected IPOB/ESN criminals’ hideouts in UKWA East and ORUMBA South LGAs of Abia and Anambra States respectively as well as Ishielu LGA of Ebonyi State. During the operations, troops arrested 15 suspects. Troops recovered 3 pump action guns, one shot gun, 67 live cartridge, 4 motorcycles, 6 Biafra currency and 3 machetes amongst others.
b. Search and Rescue Operations.    On 17 October 2023, following report on possible location of one abducted Inspector of Nigerian Police, troops conducted Search and Rescue operation to Oru West and East LGAs of Imo State. During the operation, troops made contact and neutralized one terrorist spiritualist at a shrine where the decomposing corpse of the abducted Inspector was found. Consequently, the shrine was set ablaze. The decomposing corpse was evacuated by the NP for further action.
c. Arrest of Suspected Terrorists Informants.   On 18 October 2023, following a report, troops on patrol arrested 2 suspected terrorists’ collaborstors in Okigwe LGA of Imo State. Preliminary investigation revealed that the suspects provides logistics and support base for the terrorist, as well as information on troops movement. Troops recovered 2 mobile phones and the sum of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Naira (₦7,300.00) only.
d. Terrorists Activities.   On 20 October 2023, following a tip-off, troops established a snap checkpoints. The terrorist engaged troops at the checkpoint, while trying to evade being searched. Accordingly, one of the  terrorist who attempted to beat security checkpoint with a motorcycle in Okigwe LGA of Imo State was neutralised. Troops recovered one mobile phone, one small bag containing charms, 6 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo, one motorcycle and a sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Naira (₦2,300.00) only.
e. Arrest of  Terrorists.   On 20 October 2023, troops arrested a suspected terrorist on transit from Edo State to Abia State in Obowo LGA of Imo State. Troop’s recovered 4 locally made pistols, one mobile phone and the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Naira (₦12,500.00) only.
f.   Offensive Operation.  On 22 October 2023, troops while conducting offensive operation encountered kidnapping syndicate in Aboh Mbaise LGA of Imo State. Following the operation, troops arrested 7 suspects. Troops recovered 2 Ak47 rifles, 13 rounds of 7.62mm NATO and 2 vehicles.


24. In the conduct of operations, troops of Operation UDO KA neutralized 3 terrorists, arrested 9 suspected criminals and rescued 3 kidnapped hostages. Troops recovered 4 locally made pistol, 48 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 6 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, one motorcycle, one HH radio and the sum of N22,100.00 among others. All recovered items, arrested suspects and rescued hostages were handed over to the relevant authority for further action.

    Other News:


1.   One of the top priorities of the armed forces is to secure the country and protect citizens from harm caused by these terrorist and extremist across the country. Accordingly,   the military is actively working to achieve this mandate.

2. It is worthy of mention that  the armed forces is in the lead in the ongoing country insurgency and counter-terrorist operations in the country.  Significantly,  these operations have killed or captured several terrorist, extremist leaders, their facilitators,  key associates and numerous of their foot soldiers.

3.  Relatedly, the ongoing surgical operations recently embarked upon have thrown these evil elements into a state of complete disarray due to the precision of the operations. The terrorist and extremist alike are now perplexed and suffocated with  little or no hiding place.  It is now a question of sooner than later, before it would be too late for most of them.

2. During the week and in  collaboration with  our foreign partners. The military conducted a surgical operation targeted at the residence of an ISWAP terrorist commander in Niger State. Several arrest and discoveries were made as a result of the operation. However, being an ongoing operation not much can be revealed at this stage. Nevertheless, one thing is certain, the operation is just one of  several others to flush out the terrorist.  The message is clear to all. You are either on the side of Nigerians and the armed forces, or against us in the fight against terrorist and extremist.
5. The operations of the last one week, resulted in 73 neutralized terrorists with 182 of them arrested. Troops also arrested 14 perpetrators of oil theft and rescued 68 kidnapped hostages. In the SS, troops denied oil theft of the estimated sum of One billion ,two Hundred and Twelve Million Forty Six Thousand One Hundred and Forty Naira (N1, 212,046,140.00) only.

6. Furthermore, troops recovered 119 assorted weapons and 1,537 assorted ammunition. The breakdown as follows: one GPMG, 3 PKT guns, 39 AK47 rifles, 5 locally fabricated rifles, one locally made double barrel gun, one barreta pistols, 4 locally made pistols, 5 RPG bombs, 5 pu,p action gus, one short gun, one hand grenade, 2 dane guns, one AK47 rifle loaded with 14 rounds of 7.62mm special, one locally made pistol loaded with live cartridges.

7. Others are: 586 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, a bag containing 287 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 389 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 141 rounds of 7.62mm special (belted) ammo, 12 rounds of 9mm ammo, 113 rounds of live cartridges, 25 empty magazine, 13 vehicles, 3 motorcycles, 10 mobile phones, 2 HH radio, one boafeng radio and the sum of N3,308,700.00 amongst other items.

7. Troops in the Niger Delta area discovered and destroyed 15 dugout pits, 45 boats, 87 storage tanks, 128 cooking ovens, one pumping machine, 4 outboard engine and 63 illegal refining sites.  Troops recovered 962,500 litres of stolen crude oil, 35,420 litres of illegally refined AGO, 38,450 litres of DPK and 45,000 litres of PMS.

8. The ongoing counter terrorism and counter insurgency operations have prevented these evil elements from accomplishing their strategic objectives. The military will continue to degrade their ability to carry out small scale attacks which are intended to create panic in localities.

Major General
Director Defence Media Operations


1. Report on Ongoing Military Operational Activities by the Armed Forces of Nigeria as of 26 October 2023.

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