US AFRICOM COMMANDER VISITS CDS: Commends Nigeria’s Approach On Tackiling Insecurity.

By Helen Udo,Outlook Media ABUJA.

The Commander of the United states Africa Command General Michael Langley has paid a visit to the Chief of Defence Staff Gneral Christopher Musa at the Defence Headquaters, Abuja.

General Langley commended the approach of Nigeria in fighting insecurity in the country and its strategic leadership in the sub region. He also Cogratulate the CDS for his appointment as the Chiarman of the Committee of ECOWAS chiefs of Defence staff.

In His response the CDS thanked the AFRICOM Commander for finding time to visit Nigeria and assure his of the AFN commitment to cooperate with other nations in the sub region eradicate all forms of terrorism and crimes. General Musa also seek for more Defence cooperation with the United States especially in the area of training, intelligence sharing and easier procurement of relevant platforms from US.

The AFRICOM Commander was accompanied to the Defence Headquarters by the US Ambassador to Nigeria Mr Richard Mills.

Brigadier General
Director Defence Information

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