National Coordinator Of National Center For Control Of Small Arms And Light Weapons Pays Chief Of The Naval Staff A Courtesy Visit ON Tuesday 2 July 2024.

By Outlook Media.

The National Coordinator, National Centre for Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (NCCSALW), DIG Babatunde Johnson Kokumo mni (rtd) & his entourage paid a courtesy visit to the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ikechukwu Ogalla at the Naval Headquarters Abuja on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

During the visit, National Coordinator stated that having been recently appointed, he came to introduce himself to the CNS.

He went on to enumerate the roles of the centre and seek the assistance/collaboration of the Nigerian Navy in the discharge of their duties.

In response, the CNS stated that the unmitigated proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons was an enabler of crimes such as oil theft, banditry and militancy hence NCCSALW is an important member of the National Security Architecture.

Consequently, the CNS assured the National Coordinator of unwavering support/collaboration in the discharge of their duties. The visit ended with exchange of souvenirs and group photographs. #NigerianNavy #OnwardTogether

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