Fresh Update From DHQ:Troops Neutralize 191 Terrorists ,Arrest 184,104 surrender.

By Helen Udoh ,Outlook Media ABUJA.

The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) says it’s troops neutralized 191 terrorists, arrested 184, 104 surrendered.

The Director, Defence Media Operations (DDMO) Maj. Gen. Edward Buba made this known to newsmen at a press conference on Thursday in Abuja.

According to him,Troops of Operation HADIN KAI arrested suspected terrorists’ collaborators in Monguno LGA in Borno State. Troop’s onslaught led to surrendered of BH/ISWAP fighters in Monguno and Gwoza LGA of the same state. Troops also neutralized and recovered arms and ammunition in Gwoza LGA of Borno State.

Troops conducted ambush and raided terrorists in Hamul and Jalingo LGA of Borno and Taraba States respectively. Fighting patrols neutralized terrorist and led to the recovery of weapons and ammunitions in Bama, Gazamala and Dikwa LGAs of Borno State.

Details as follows:

a. Arrest of BH/ISWAP Terrorist Collaborator. On 18 September 2023, troops arrested 2 suspected BH/ISWAP terrorist logistics suppliers during a stop and search operation in Monguno LGA of Borno State. Troop recovered food items, medical supplies and other sundry items.
b. Surrender of BH/ISWAP Terrorist Combatants.
(1) On 18 September 2023, a terrorist combatant surrendered to troops in Monguno LGA of Borno State. He surrendered with one AK47 rifle, 4 AK 47 rifle magazine, 10 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo, one magazine carrier and other sundries items.
. (2) Between 20 and 24 September 2023, in a seperate operations, 2 BH/ISWAP terrorist combatants surrendered to troops in Gwoza LGA of Borno State. They surrendered with 2 AK 47 rifles, 2 magazine and 22 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo and 4 rounds of 7.62mm special (refilled)
c. Troops Neutralized Terrorists and Recovered Arms and Ammo. On 19 September 2023, following report of BH/ISWAP terrorists attack on farmers in Gwoza LGA of Borno State. Troops conducted fighting patrols and made contact with the terrorists. Following a firefight, troops neutralized nine terrorist and recovered seven G3 rifle, seven G3 rifle magazine, forty round of 7.62 mm NATO, one Single barrel gun and 6 bicycles.
d. Troops Ambushed Suspected BH/ISWAP Terrorist.
(1) On 19 September 2023, troops conducted night ambush on terrorists in Hawul LGA of Borno State. Troops made contact with suspected terrorists. Following a firefight, troops neutralized 4 terrorists and recovered 3 AK 47 rifles with 50 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo.
(2) On 19 September 2023, troops conducted ambush operation on terrorists in Jalingo LGA of Taraba State. Troops made contact with the terrorists, neutralized 8 and recovered 8 AK47 rifles loaded with 25 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 7 mobile phones, 15 batteries and the sum of Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand Naira (N560,000) only.
c. Fighting Patrols.
(1) On 21 September 2023, troops conducted fighting patrol in Bama LGA of Borno State and made contact with the terrorist. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 10 terrorists and rescued 2 adult females with a baby as well as one bicycle and one axe.
(2) On 21 September 2023, following a tip off, troops conducted fighting patrol in Guzamala LGA of Borno State. Troops made no contact with the terrorists. Troops exploited the general area and recovered a magazine carrier containing 3 loaded AK 47 rifle magazines with 82 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo.
(3) On 23 September 2023, troops responded to information of terrorists activities at Bakkasi general area in Dikwa LGA of Borno State. Troops fighting patrol made contact with terrorists and neutralized 9 terrorists while others fled. Troops recovered 9 AK Rifles, 435 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo, 191 rounds of 7.62 mm NATO ammo and 130 rounds of 9 mm ammo.
(4) On 24 September 2023, troops responded to information on BH/ISWAP terrorists activities in Askira Uba LGA of Borno State. Troops mobilized clearance patrol to the area, causing the terrorist to flee on sighting troops. Troops exploited the general area and recovered one 36 hand grenade, 9 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and 10 empty case of 7.62mm NATO ammo.
D. Troops foiled Kidnapped Activities On 25 September 2023, following tip off about kidnapping activities in Mafa LGA of Borno State. Troops clearance patrol mobilized to the scene, causing the terrorists flee. Troops rescued 9 farmers and recovered three AK47 rifle loaded with 30 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo.
e. Air Interdiction. The air component of Operations HADIN KAI acquired targets of terrorist enclaves and conducted interdiction on the enclaves at Konduga, Bama, Sambisa, Chinene and Parisu. The air strikes neutralized several terrorists, destroyed their logistics and degrade the structures.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation HADIN KAI recovered; 40 AK47 rifles, ten G3 rifle, one single barrel gun, one 36 hand grenade, 5 AK47 rifle loaded with 105 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 9 AK47 magazine, one G3 magazine, 546 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 192 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 130 rounds of 9mm ammo, 10 empty case of 7.62mm NATO, 4 rounds of 7.62mm special (refilled), 18 mobile phones and the sum of N678,750.00. Troops also neutralized 17 terrorists, arrested 12 and rescued 17 kidnapped hostages.


  1. Troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN  arrested terrorists in Sanga and Jema’a LGAs of Kaduna State. They also raided criminal hideouts in Zango Kataf LGA of Kaduna State. The operations led to recovery of arms and ammunitions.
  2. Details are as follows: 

a. Troops Arrested Terrorists.
(1) On 18 September 2023, troops on patrol arrested a suspected kidnapper in Sanga LGA of Kaduna State.
(2) On 21 September 2023, in a separate operations, troops arrested 2 gunrunners and raided 2 terrorists’ weapon manufacturing hideouts in Jema’a LGA of Kaduna State. The arrested terrorists were on the watch list of the security agencies in the area. Troops recovered 2 AK47 rifles, 7 locally made pistols, 2 locally made AK47 rifles, 2 military graded AK 47 rifles, 11 locally made revolvers, one locally made SMG Rifle, one live round of 7.62 mm Special ammo, large quantity of 9 mm and 7.62 mm ammo, machine tools, one pistol holster and gas cylinders. Also, troops recovered 6 daggers, 2 mobile phones, one fragmental jacket, 2 Nigerian Police uniforms, one military camouflage trousers, one ammo magazine carrier, one military grade camel pouch, 2 masks, 4 ID cards, gunpowder, shrapnel, assorted charms, amulets and other equipment.
b. Raid Op.
(1) On 18 September 2023, troops raided Fadan Kamantan Market in Zangon Kataf LGA of Kaduna State. Troops arrested 2 suspects on the wanted list.
(2) On 24 September 2023, troops raided suspected criminals hideout in Zango Kataf LGA of Kaduna State. During operation, troop arrested 7 suspects who were on troops wanted list. Troops recovered 5 dane guns, one revolver loaded with 8 rounds of 7.62mm, one military camouflage and 2 mobile phones.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN neutralized 5 terrorists, arrested 24 and rescued 9 kidnapped hostage. They also recovered 2 AK47 rifles, 7 locally made pistols, 2 locally made AK47 rifles, 2 military graded AK 47 rifles, 11 locally made revolvers, one locally made SMG rifle, one revolver loaded with 8 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 7 dane guns, one live round of 7.62 mm Special ammo, large quantity of 9 mm and 7.62 mm ammo, machine tools, one pistol holster and gas cylinders.
  2. Also, troops recovered 6 daggers, 3 motorcycles, 3 mobile phones, 3 fragmental jacket, 2 Nigerian Police uniforms, one military camouflage trousers, one ammo magazine carrier, one military grade camel pouch, 2 masks, 4 ID cards, gunpowder, shrapnel and the sum of N52,900.00.


  1. Troops of Operation WHIRL STROKE conducted fighting patrol that arrested suspected terrorists in Ukum LGA of Benue State. Troops conducted raid on terrorists hideouts in Nasarawa LGA of Nasarawa State as well as AMAC of FCT.
  2. Details are as follows:
    a. Fighting Patrol.
    (1) On 19 September 2023, troops while conducting fighting patrol arrested one terrorist collaborator in Ukum LGA of Benue State. Preliminary investigation confirmed his involvement.
    (2) On 20 Sep 23, troops while on fighting patrol arrested 3 suspected criminal in Ukum LGA of Benue State.
    b. Raid Operation
    (1) On 19 September 2023, following a tip off, troops raided a suspected gunrunner hideout in Nasarawa LGA of Nasarawa State. During the operation, troops arrested one suspected gunrunner while others fled. Troops recovered one motorcycle, one mobile phone as well as the sum of Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Naira (₦7,260.00) only.
    (2) On 20 September 2023, troops on patrols raided criminal’s hideouts in AMAC of FCT. During the operation, troops arrested 51 suspects and impounded 3 vehicles for various offences. All have been handed over to appropriate authorities for further action.
    (3) On 21 September 2023, troops raided and apprehended the district head of Awe LGA of Nasarawa State. During operation, troops recovered one SMG, one G3 rifle, one unserviceable FN rifle, 19 rounds of 7.62mm NATO ammo and 4 rounds of 9mm ammo.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation WHIRL STROKE neutralized 6 terrorists, arrested 62 terrorists and rescued 9 kidnapped hostages. Troops also recovered one SMG, one G3 rifle, one unserviceable FN rifle, one locally made pistol, 1,060 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 19 rounds of 7.62mm NATO ammo, 4 rounds of 9mm ammo, vehicles, one motorcycle and one mobile phone.


  1. The troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI conducted fighting patrols that rescued kidnapped hostages in Danko-Wasagu LGA of Kebbi State. Troops foiled terrorists activities and recovered arms and ammunitions in Gwadabawa and Jibia LGAs of Sokoto and Katsina States respectively.
  2. Troops on offensive operation neutralized terrorists and recovered weapons in Tsafe LGA of Sokoto state. Also, troops arrest a terrorists collaborator in Takai LGA of Kano State
  3. Details are as follows;
    a. Fighting Patrol.
    (1) On 19 September 2023, following a tip off of kidnapping incident, troops conducted fighting patrol in Danko-Wasagu LGA of Kebbi State. Troops made contact with the terrorists. Following a firefight, the terrorists fled abandoning their victims. Troops rescued 7 kidnapped hostages and since reunited them with their families.
    (2) On 20 September 2023, troops conducted fighting patrol and made contact with terrorists in Danko-Wasagu LGA of Kebbi State. Following a firefight, troops neutralized 2 terrorists while others fled with injuries. Troops recovered 2 AK 47 rifles, 4 magazines, 35 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo, one canter truck as well as rescued 3 hostages.
    (3) On 23 September 2023, troops on offensive operations made contact with terrorists in Danmusa LGA of Katsina State. Following a firefight, troops neutralized one terrorist while others fled. Troops recovered one AK47 rifle and one magazine loaded with 17 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo.
    (4) On 24 September 2023, troops conducted fighting patrol and made contact with terrorists in Isa LGA of Sokoto State. Following a firefight, troops neutralized one terrorist while others fled. Troops recovered one PKT gun, 2 AK47 rifles, one locally made pistol, 4 magazines, 22 rounds of 7.62 x 54mm ammo, empty PKT links, 5 motorcycles and other items.
    b. Terrorists Activities.
    (1) On 18 September 2023, troops while conducting fighting patrol made contact with terrorists in Gwadabawa LGA of Sokoto State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized one terrorists while others fled with wounds. Troops exploited the general area and recovered one AK 47 rifle loaded with 6 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo.
    (2) On 20 September 2023, troops alongside with GOC 8 Div/FC JTF NW OPHD and his entourage made contact with terrorists in Jibia LGA of Katsina State. Following a firefight, the terrorists fled in disarray. Troops recovered one pistol, one motorcycle, one bag containing 177 rounds of 7.62mm special.
    (3) On 22 September 2023, troops conducting search and rescue operations had engagement with terrorists in Tsafe LGA of Zamfara State. Following a firefight, neutralized several terrorists while others fled with gunshot wounds. Troops rescued 6 kidnapped students. While efforts are ongoing to rescued the remaining students.
    c. Arrest of Suspected Bandits’ Informant. On 20 September 2023, following a tip off, troops on fighting patrol arrested a suspected terrorist’s informant in Takai LGA of Kano state.
    D. Troops Rescued kidnapped hostages. On 25 September 2023, troops responded to information on kidnapping incident in Bukuyyum LGA of Zamfara State. On sighting troops, terrorists fled abandoning their victims. Troops rescued 15 kidnapped hostages and have since reunited them with their families.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI neutralized 18 terrorists, arrested 8 terrorists and rescued 38 kidnapped hostages. Troops also recovered one PKT gun, 5 AK47 rifles, 2 AK47 rifles loaded with 23 rounds of 7.62mm ammo, one fabricated rifle, one locally made pistol, 7 magazines, 215 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 22 rounds of 7.62 x 54mm ammo, 5 cartridges, 11 motorcycles and 3 mobile phones.


  1. Troops of Operation WHIRL PUNCH rescue kidnapped hostages at Chikun LGA of Kaduna State. Troops conducted search and rescue operation arrested suspected criminals in Birnin Gwari LGA of Kaduna State. Troops as well raided terrorists enclaves and arrested high profiled terrorists in Tafa and Suleja LGAs of Niger State.
  2. Details as follows: 

a. Rescue of Kidnapped Victims. On 18 September 2023, following intelligence report on the abduction of 3 locals by suspected terrorists in Chikun LGA of Kaduna State. Troops mobilised to the scene. On sighting troops, the terrorists fled abandoning their hostages. Troops rescued 2 kidnapped hostages and reunite them with their families.
b. Arrest of Suspected Criminals. On 22 September 2023, troops conducted stop and search operations in Birnin Gwari LGA of Kaduna State. Following the operations, troops arrested 2 suspected criminals and recovered the sum of Five Million Four Hundred and Eighty Thousand Naira (₦5,480,000) concealed in a bag. Also, troops recovered 2 mobile phones, clothes and a wallet.
c. Raid Operation. On 21 September 2023, troops in conjunction with sister agency personnel raided terrorists hideout in Tafa and Suleja LGAs of Niger State. During the operations, troops arrested 2 high-profile ISWAP terrorists.
D. Troops Ambushed Terrorists. On 21 September 2023, base on tip off, troops laid ambush on terrorists and made contact in Chikun LGA of Kaduna State. Following a firefight, troops neutralized 3 terrorists while others fled with injuries. Troops rescued one kidnapped hostage. Troops also recovered one AK47 rifle and 3 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo.


  1. Overall, troops of Operation WHIRL PUNCH eliminated 3 terrorists, arrested 7 suspected terrorists and rescued 3 kidnapped hostages. Troops also recovered one AK47 rifle, 3 rounds of 7.62mm special, 2 mobile phones and the sum of N5,480,000.00 and other sundry items.


  1. Troops of Operation DELTA SAFE maintained momentum against the activities of crude oil theft. Troops destroyed several illegal refining sites and recovered stolen products. Troops also raided criminal hideout and foiled robbery activities Okpe and Akamkpa LGA of Delta and Cross River States respectively.
  2. Details as follows:

a. Troops Destroy Illegal Refining Sites. Troops apprehended 11 suspected oil thefts. They discovered and destroyed 38 dugout pits, 21 boats, 57 storage tanks, 10 vehicles, 3 tapping hoses, 4 drum receivers, 89 cooking ovens, 6 pumping machine, 3 outboard engines and 34 illegal refining sites. Troops recovered 696,250 litres of stolen crude oil, 54,400 litres of illegally refined AGO and 1,200 litres PMS.
a. Robbery Activities. On 18 September 2023, troops received a distress call on suspected armed robbery activities in Okpe LGA of Delta State. Troops mobilised to the scene. Sighting troops, the criminals fled abandoning their hostages. Troops rescued 3 victims and recovered one motorcycle.
b. Raid Operation On 19 September 2023, troops in conjunction with hybrid forces raided a suspected criminals’ hideout in Akamkpa LGA of Cross River State. During the raid, troops arrested 4 suspects and recovered 2 locally made guns, one MC, 16 cartridges and other sundry items.

  1. Air Interdiction. The air component of Operation DELTA SAFE conducted air interdictions at the Cawthorne Channel. Troops sighted an active Illegal Refining Sites with reservoirs and a storage tank containing illegally refined products. Subsequently, troops engaged with rockets and cannons destroying the equipment and structures.


  1. Overall,troops of Operation DELTA SAFE arrested 59 suspected oil thefts and other criminal elements. They destroyed 38 dugout pits, 21 boats, 57 storage tanks, 10 vehicles, 3 tapping hoses, 4 drum receivers, 89 cooking ovens, 6 pumping machine, 3 outboard engines and 34 illegal refining sites.
  2. Troops recovered 696,250 litres of stolen crude oil, 54,400 litres of illegally refined AGO and 1,200 litres PMS, 2 motorcycles, 4 weapons and 78 assorted ammunition.


  1. Troops of operation UDO KA conducted raid operations on terrorists hideouts and arrest suspects in Arochukwu, Ohafia and Umunneochi LGAs of Abia State as well as Awgu LGA of Enugu State. Troops neutralized terrorists and recovered arms and ammunition in Okigwe LGA of Imo State.
  2. Also, troops foiled kidnapped incident and as well arrested an impostor in Umu Nneochi and Ishielu LGAs of Abia and Ebonyi States respectively.
    1. Details as follows:

Raid Operations on IPOB/ESN Criminals.
(1) On 18 September 2023, troops conducted raid operations to IPOB/ESN camps in Igboro Forest between Arochukwu and Ohafia LGAs of Abia State. Following the operations, troops arrested one criminal who later died of GSW while others fled. Troops recovered one AK 47 rifle, one Dane gun, 6 locally made rifle, 4 IEDs, 5 fragmental jackets, 3 pairs of boots, 4 Biafran flags, one Baofeng radio, one tripod, one IPOB signboard, a cutlass, a jack-knife, IPOB flyers, assorted charms, IPOB insignia and military camouflage.
(2) On 18 September 2023, following a tip off, troops raided a suspected IPOB/ESN criminals’ hideout and arrested 3 criminals in Awgu LGA of Enugu State. Troops recovered 3 Pump action rifles with 10 cutlasses.
(3) On 22 September 2023, troops in conjunction with hybrid forces and representatives of Abia State Government raided Garki Cattle Market and Lokpanta Trailer Park in Umunneochi LGA of Abia State. During the operations, troops arrested 6 suspects, destroyed criminal hideouts and as well as recovered a sum of Two Hundred and Sixty-Six Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty-Five Naira (₦266,455.00), 2 US Dollars, 8 mobile phones, 3 ATM cards, one NIM ID card among other sundry items.
b. Troops Neutralized Terrorists and Recovered Arms. On 18 September 2023, troops conducted fighting patrol to in Okigwe LGA of Imo State. Troops made contact with IPOB/ESN fighters. Following a firefight, troops neutralized one criminal while other fled. Troops recovered 3 locally made IED launchers and 2 motorcycles.
c. Kidnapped Incident. On 18 September 2023, Troops received a distress call on a kidnapping incident in Umu Nneochi LGA of Abia State. Troops mobilised to the scene. Sighting troops, the criminals fled. Troops rescued one kidnapped victim and recovered one vehicle.
d. Arrest of Impostor. On 21 September 2023, troops while conducting patrol arrested one impostor fully dressed in military camouflage in Ishielu LGA of Ebonyi State.

  1. Air Interdiction. The air component of Operation UDO KA, conducted air interdiction at terrorists general camp. Over the targeted area, terrorists were sighted and engaged with rockets and cannons neutralizing several of the terrorists and destroying their structures.


  1. In the conduct of operations, troops of Operation UDO KA neutralized 11 terrorists, arrested 20 suspected criminals and rescued 15 kidnapped hostages. Troops recovered 6 locally made rifles, 3 pump action guns, one dane gun, 4 IEDs, 3 locally made IED launchers, 28 empty cases of 7.62mm special ammo, one tripod, 3 fragmental jackets, one boafeng radio, one vehicle, 4 motorcycles, 8 mobile phones, 11 cutlasses and the sum of N266,455.00 only.


  1. All recovered items, arrested suspects and rescued hostages were handed over to the relevant authority for further action.

Other News:


Our mission against terrorist, insurgents and perpetrators of insecurity in the country is not one that should be seen as the exclusive preserve of just the military alone.Experience reveals that, military means alone can not neutralise terrorism and insurgency.

This underscores the need for our counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency war to remain a reflection of a whole of society’s commitment. The perpetrators of the insecurity are not ghost, they have families , relations and are from villages and communities in the country. Through a whole of society approach, we will suffocate any hope that these groups have of victory through senseless killings and dastardly acts.

Indeed, while we all are from one locality or another, not everyone can be in the military. Recognising this, there are several ways society can show their commitment in support of the overall objective to defeat terrorism and insurgency in the country. Importantly, The such commitment should reflect and align with the will of the people.

About ongoing operations in the last one week, the military neutralized 191 terrorists. Troops then arrested 184 terrorists, 22 perpetrators of oil theft ,rescued 91 kidnapped hostages while a total of 104 BH/ISWAP terrorists and their families surrendered to troops across theaters of Operation. Troops denied oil theft of an estimate sum of Three Hundred and Eighty Eight Million Four Hundred and Sixty Nine Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Naira (N388,469,650.00).

Additionally, troops recovered 209 assorted weapons and 2,894 assorted ammunition. The breakdown as follows: 46 AK47 rifles, 8 G3 rifle, one SMG, one PKT gun, 11 locally made rifles, 8 dane gun, 2 locally made revolvers, 9 locally fabricated Ak47 rifles, one locally made SMG, 2 high grade military rifles, 3 locally made IED launchers, 3 locally made pistols, one x 36 hand grenade, IEDs, 5 Ak47 rifles loaded with 113 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 837 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 289 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 275 rounds of 9mm ammo and 43 live cartridges.

Others are: one unserviceable FN rifle, 22 rounds of 7.62 x 54mm ammo, 4 rounds of 7.62mm special (refilled), 32 magazines, 3 G3 magazines, 45 empty cases of 7.62mm NATO ammo, daggers, 15 cutlasses, 14 vehicles, 9 motorcycles, 7 bicycles, 4 fragmental jackets, one tripod, 2 boafeng radios, 24 mobile phones and the sum of N55,798,105.00.  

Troops in the Niger Delta area discovered and destroyed 38 dugout pits, 21 boats, 57 storage tanks, 3 tapping hoses, 4 drum receivers, 89 cooking ovens, 6 pumping machine, 3 outboard engines and 34 illegal refining sites.  Troops recovered 696,250 litres of stolen crude oil, 54,400 litres of illegally refined AGO and 1,200 litres PMS. 

The armed forces remains unperturbed by the evil machinations of these extremist groups. Their nefarious tactics have been exposed for what it truly is, which is a mere ploy to self-enrichment through killings.

Accordingly, our message to these individuals and groups, is that we have clocked your game and are laser-focused on pursuing peace, by the pursuit of those that threaten the peace in the country.

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