5 Reasons Men Perform Poorly In Bed.
By Outlook media
Sex has a strong influence on many aspects of well-being, it is one of our most basic physiological.
Being intimate with your partner is not just physically important but emotionally fulfilling as well.
However, there are times when people try their best to improve their sexual performance in bed, but sometimes it all fails, all due to some existing habits.
Most men suffer from sexual performance anxiety; they become anxious about their performance in bed and ultimately ruin the whole ordeal.
What’s important to note is that certain habits contribute to the various reasons they perform poorly in bed.
Here are some reasons some men tend to be so bad in bed:
Poor physical health: Poor physical health can impact sexual performance to a great extent. Some men don’t pay much attention to grooming themselves which is also very necessary to have a great sexual experience.
Nobody wants to be in bed with a man who smells or has poor body hygiene.
Little or no experience: Some men are pretty new to sex. They are not that experienced or may have limited experience. They might not have the necessary skills to please their partner. And the worst part is that these men sometimes do not show any desire to learn new things or be better at sex.
Performance anxiety: Men who suffer from performance anxiety may struggle to maintain an erection during sex. They may even ejaculate prematurely. This can lead them to feel extremely frustrated and dissatisfied. These men lack a lot of confidence in bed.
No foreplay: Foreplay is an essential step during sex. Kissing, touching and grabbing can be incredibly pleasurable. But those who rush into sexual intercourse without much foreplay totally ruin the experience for their partner. Their partner may not be fully aroused and this may be very unsatisfying.
Selfishness: Some men may prioritise their own pleasure over their partner. This can lead their partner to feel left out during sex which may even lead them to feel resentful and angry. Prioritising one’s needs over others can be deeply unsatisfying and the partner may not even want to have sex anymore!