By Helen Udoh- Abuja
Young ladies don’t sell your body for money. God shall make your marriage a heaven on earth.
What Are the Factors in the Life of Both Ruth and Boaz
- They were people of integrity. These are two mature people that could do whatever they wanted to do but they maintained purity.
Going through Ruth’s record, she maintained purity of character, morality and the same thing with Boaz.
Beloved brothers and sisters, as many as are not married, your catch to maintain a successful marital destiny is to ensure that the bed undefiled. Hebrews 13:4.
- Submission to Leadership.
Naomi kept on directing and guiding Ruth. She maintained the record of Ruth’s activities. Young people listen to me, when mum and dad ask you “Where are you coming from?” don’t think that it is a quarrel.
Singles living on your own now, have someone you are accountable to.
- Work While You Wait.
Be gainfully employed, be meaningfully engaged in a productive life. There are some young ladies, you say what is your prayer point, they say ‘marriage, mummy please pray for me, marriage.’ Okay, what are you doing? ‘They say nothing, I am just believing God for a husband.’
While you are waiting is a time to engage yourself in meaningful, productive adventure. There is dignity in labour, there is dignity in hard work.
Before we got married, you have heard God’s servant preach it many times. He said he didn’t have much at the time, he had one trouser. I didn’t know it was one trouser, I am telling you because he would wash the shirt he had. I didn’t know how many shirts because he was always clean, neat, smart. I know that he had one shoe, it was like a military boot and when he shines it, you will almost see your face in the shoe. And I had friends who thought ‘Is something wrong with you? why will you be thinking of marrying a man who doesn’t have the whole world now?
I think it has proved that something truly was wrong with me, God was very very right with me. I didn’t make a wrong choice at all but I saw something in him. Diligence, hard work.
Beloved, don’t be deceived by sweet talkers, don’t be deceived by those who say you are the only sugar in my tea, the only mosquito in my net, I can’t live without you. And that’s how they’ll be using words to finish you in the house and you will be dying of hunger.
He might not have much now but you see he is working. Maybe he doesn’t have a government job but you call in the morning at 7am and ask where are you now and he says “you know, I went to look for something doing.” Ehen now, we are talking. Not the one you call at 10am in the morning and ‘he is still sleeping’.
There is dignity in labour. A hardworking man today will always remain a hardworking man tomorrow and God will always bless his labour.
It’s like the case of seed time and harvest. What you invest today multiplies tomorrow and then gives you a future. Ensure that while you are waiting, you are meaningfully engaged.
Sometimes I can’t understand when a man says, you know my wife lost her job and we are really broke…I can’t understand but what about you? I can’t seem to understand it, an able bodied young man. So why can’t you go to a construction site and carry some blocks.
Do you know that when we newly married, God servant was working three jobs. His official work in the morning, he will work and close around afternoon and resume in the second place and close around 4pm. When he closes around 8, 9pm, he will take our car then and drive from where he was, pick passengers from one end of town and pick to another end. He will go like two, three times then pick the last set that will drop around where our house and then drop them and come to the house.
That is labour, dignity of working. He was earning a salary but he worked in addition.
Young ladies, your body is not a commodity. You don’t sell your body for money. The money from such a lifestyle will never amount to anything.
I believe that the Lord will help us and grant us great grace.
- There were people of principles and procedures.
Boaz had an accurate knowledge of procedures, principles and followed it accurately.
Beloved if you are a lawless person your marriage will be lawless.
Be a man/woman of principles, don’t just do things anyhow. That is why, for me, I call the book of Ephesians Chapter 5:22-33, the summary Bible of marriage.
If you can practice these 2 commands to the later, it is for everyone in particular. ‘I must ensure that as a man I love my wife as my self.’ ‘As a woman, I must ensure I reverence my husband as if I was reverencing the authority that God has placed over me.’ As a man can you beat yourself? If you will not punch yourself, then why will you punch your wife? Anything you want another to do for you, it means that is what you should do for your wife.
Wife obey your husband, submit to him, let him have the final say, let him be the leader of the house. Anything that has two head is a monster. Reverence your husband and love your wife, that is the summary principles and commandments of scripture, for husbands and for wives..